“In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.”
– Albert Einstein

Estate & Probate Matters
Some of the most challenging and rewarding disputes to be mediated are those between family members over family property, estates, trusts and businesses.
Family disputes over property are matters of the heart and the law. They present challenges for how emotions and family dynamics are to be weighed against and balanced with legal rights and obligations. Brothers and sisters may fight over estate property, but they are really sorting out old issues of sibling rivalry and dominance. The desire to resolve the conflict and preserve the family relationship is deeply embedded.
Mediation is a proven way to avoid the long-term adverse consequences of litigating family property, inheritance, and trust disputes.
What kinds of probate disputes can be mediated?
Conflict over the disposition of the decedent & estate.
Different views of a fair distribution of a decedent’s property.
Disagreements where a beneficiary believes she should receive more because of care given to an older or incapacitated parent.
Dispute between children of one marriage and the surviving spouse of a later marriage.
Conservatorship and guardianship proceedings.
Disputes between a health care facility and family members.
Disputes between beneficiaries of trust or estate and a fiduciary.
Disputes over who should act as the fiduciary.
Beneficiaries concerned over investment decisions or property management issues.
The process starts with a meeting with all parties to determine if the mediation process is appropriate for your situation. Meetings will then be scheduled and conducted in person or via zoom with all parties or individual participants, working towards a settlement.