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a peaceful resolution
outside of court

At CT Mediation & Arbitration, we believe that the best resolutions are ones where the parties choose the less adversarial route and engage fully in the process. 


By opting to resolve your conflict with mediation, you are choosing to actively participate in the process and work towards a settlement that meets the needs of all parties. In choosing arbitration, you agree to a hearing that will result in less time & cost — for a resolution. 

a healthier, faster, & more economical alternative

Depending on the type of dispute you are engaged will determine the best course of action.


Our experienced staff can assist you in selecting the process that best serves the needs of all participants.

Meet Cindy

Founder/President, JD, LLM

Practicing law for over 30 years I can tell you that in almost every case, utilizing methods such as mediation and arbitration to resolve your conflict is truly the best way to go for all parties involved.


It is done in a collaborative manner by bringing people together to resolve their conflict faster with less out of pocket expense and stress. 

I created CT Mediation & Arbitration Services to help individuals & families with solutions to resolve their conflicts together. 

Cynthia DeMatteis Cartier, JD, LLM for CT Mediation & Arbitration Services
Cynthia DeMatteis Cartier, JD, LLM for CT Mediation & Arbitration Services

What is Mediation?

Mediation involves an independent third party - a mediator - who helps both sides come to an agreement. Mediation is a flexible process that can be used to settle disputes in a whole range of situations such as family disputes, probate disputes, and personal injury matters.

Business Meeting

What is Arbitration?

Arbitration is like a trial but less formal. In arbitration, two sides present their evidence to an arbitrator. The arbitrator decides who wins and who loses. An arbitrator does the job that a judge or jury would normally do in court.


“Cindy’s approach in solving a problem can be best described as follows – if she sees a 10 foot wall in front of her, she gets a 12 foot ladder. There is no conflict that she cannot resolve.”

Danny P.

"I am divorced, and one of the things I am tremendously grateful for is that my ex-husband and I made a decision to go through mediation. I knew a trial would drag on for years, would cost me everything, but worse, would be devastating for our four small children."

Lydia S.

“I work for a company that specializes in personal injury cases arising out of automobile accidents. Over the last year, I have personally had the opportunity to have Attorney Cartier mediate a number of cases. She has resolved them all.”

Tom J.

‘Ms. Cartier mediated our divorce.  She went beyond just mediating the legal issues and really worked to improve our communication skills to ensure that we would be able to co-parent our children. Over the year since the matter has ended, we get along better than when we are married and we owe it to Cindy.’

Joe & Kathy

Cynthia DeMatteis Cartier, JD, LLM for CT Mediation & Arbitration Services

“Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can.”

–  Abraham Lincoln

We're top rated by our colleagues & legal professionals.

Cynthia DeMatteis Cartier, JD, LLM for CT Mediation & Arbitration Services
Cynthia DeMatteis Cartier, JD, LLM for CT Mediation & Arbitration Services Top 10 Attorney
Cynthia DeMatteis Cartier, JD, LLM for CT Mediation & Arbitration Services
Cynthia DeMatteis Cartier, JD, LLM for CT Mediation & Arbitration Services Best of Shoreline
Cynthia DeMatteis Cartier, JD, LLM for CT Mediation & Arbitration Services
Cynthia DeMatteis Cartier, JD, LLM for CT Mediation & Arbitration Services

End Your Conflict. Enjoy Your Life.

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CT Mediation & Arbitration Services

1200 Boston Post Rd.  Suite 209
Guilford, CT  06437

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